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ALERT: If you are managing your brand based on your reaction to next weekend’s newspaper headlines, you will be too late!  People are talking about you online right now!  Don’t let a day go by without alerting yourself to what they are saying.

The WSJ posts a very practical article on using Twitter to avert a PR mess! Some real-life, practical examples from the big-boys….certainly can give you some ideas for using Twitter as well!  Here’s a NYT article on the same subject:  reputation management.

When you are dealing with reputation management, it is important to know what’s being said about you.

There are several Twitter search options, but recently Twitter modified its HOME page to include a powerful search option.  If you are using TweetDeck like we do, there are some very powerful and practical search functionality.  TweetBeep is another simple alert system for strong reputation management – similar to Google alerts for Twitter.  If you are not using Google alerts, you are also missing out on a simple feed that tells you when people are talking about you and your brand.

There’s alot more to say about managing your brand’s reputation online.  But with such a strong popularity of Twitter, I wanted to give you some practical ideas on using Twitter in your reputation management.

Twitter Twaining Camp is THIS month – the session for the 7th is closed, but the 14th and 21st dates are still available.  Only $40 and you can learn what the world is talking about!

Twitter Twaining Camp

image credit (boy at top of this post):