If you missed it: Part 1 of 5 (Branding Yourself)
Ok, here’s Part 2 of our 5 post series. Let’s layout an overview of a comprehensive BRANDING effort. Again, we consider branding to be the compliment to the other part of the marketing process which is inviting the customer to specific action. In this series, we are talking about how we take a collection of our values, ideas, personality and our history and use this branding to influence the way our customers think about our business brand.
1. Understanding your target market
2. Developing your core message
3. Competing effectively
4. Showcasing your brand
5. Creating an effective online presence
6. Maintaining a traditional “offline” presence as well
7. Participating in the new rules of public relation
8. Managing your brand
9. Planning your branding strategy
So, are you ready to know more details on each one? Stay tuned in the days to come (and yes, we’ll lump several of the 9 steps together – this is only a 5 part series).
GO TO: Part 3 of 5 (Branding is like SHOWCASING yourself)-Randy & Donny-
p.s. Don’t forget to register for our next FREE Double Take LIVE Broadcast with Sheila McDoniel. The call is next week and we’ll be making an exciting announcement on that call regarding a future interview we have planned so you don’t want to miss out!! Here’s a HINT: What do the Marketing Twins and OPRAH have in common? Find out next Tuesday at our Double Take LIVE Broadcast!