At 1429, we specialize in working with small business owners. We have a system that permits small businesses to build their marketing on a solid foundation! So often, small business owners are overwhelmed by the flood of angles, ideas and strategies that OTHERS push them to pursue…but in reality, it’s YOU, the small business owner who knows your business….most others simply come in and try to sell you something that is good for them, not necessarily for you (commissions often drive sales pitches!) You know your business better than anyone and that’s why instead of juggling the flood of marketing solicitors that walk in your door everyday…take your marketing into YOUR hands!
(OK, now that you’ve heard my cheering for you….you may say, “Yes! …uh….but how?”)
At 1429, we have the most practical small business marketing system there is. And best of all, it’s a affordable. Well, really BEST of all, it puts YOU in charge. Not hit-or-miss marketing. Not a consulting telling you what you need to do. But strategic small business marketing!
We are here to coach you through it. Give us a call: 682-231-1429
For a humorous side of marketing and a spoof on people like us, watch this…