Are you a Do-It-Yourself kind of person? In your business or organization, do you like to have your hands in all areas of business (accounting, payroll, benefits, taxes, banking, etc…)? Are you the DIY type who feels capable of handling these things? Some of us are, some are not. And even if we WANT to do so, sometimes we simply lack the time to do it ourselves. Or we must admit that sometimes our expertise is just short of being effective with our time, so we’d be better off outsourcing or paying someone else to do it for us.
As marketing coaches, we enjoy helping people on all points on the spectrum. Some just need the right tools and a little training. Others want to outsource their marketing completely. But the majority would like to have full control yet enjoy the opportunity to learn how to do it themselves and do it in the most effective way possible. They just need to be able to go somewhere to find the right tools, the right plans and even obtain a little counsel from someone trained to help. (isn’t this how we approach our runs to the local home improvement store?)
Well good news! There is a systematic approach and it really is the only marketing approach that makes sense. You have payroll systems, a clear plan for your employees’ benefits, and you have probably sought out the counsel of CPA in developing a systematic way to budget and pay your taxes. Most small business owners outsource these functions not because they CAN’T do them themselves. With all the tools out there nowadays, small business owners are equipped to be DIY’ers! But the Do-It-Yourself approach says that you have time for all these functions and the expertise to do them right. If you don’t have the time for paying taxes or lack the know-how to properly prepare them, do you just float along without assistance or plan, crossing your fingers and hoping for the best??? Mostly likely not unless you’d love an audit.
A marketing colleague of mine and fellow Duct Tape Marketing Authorized Coach is quoted in a recent press release:
“We have found that many small business owners are spending way too much of their time doing things that are not part of their expertise,” said Troy Braithwaite. “If they are not experts in marketing and accounting, then it is not cost effective for them to be doing these things. Many small business owners don’t realize how valuable their time is and how affordable and effective it is to have marketing and accounting experts on their team.”
Troy is right. There is a systematic approach that works. It’s practical for any business. It’s simple to use and flexible. And it’s affordable. As Fort Worth’s only Authorized Duct Tape Marketing Coach, how can I help make you more effective?
1429 Creative is a faith-based creative team in Fort Worth, Texas.
Most people try to “DIY” on things they think they can’t afford or that they know little about. For example, I’ll mow my own lawn but if there was a sprinkler head that needed repair, I wouldn’t tackle that. I would end up with a bigger mess (and a costly one at that) because I simply don’t know what I’m doing. I need to call in a professional who knows and I’ll be better for it in the long run. A Marketing Coach and the Duct Tape Marketing System is a perfect match! Practical and affordable!