I am cleaning house! Actually, no I’m not. Just trying to get rid of this one thing (my wife has begged me to clean my home office completely, but to no avail!).
So, here’s the offer. Make a comment. That’s it. If I appreciate the value of your comment on ANY of the posts on MarketingTwins.com (yes, go back into the archives if you want . . . I will get the notice that a comment has been made), I’ll get your address offline and mail these CD’s to you. They’ll hopefully serve you better than they have me. I bought them months ago and never used them. Now they are just taking up shelf space. And I need to share the love with someone like you.
Any takers? Just make a comment of value and I’ll decide by the end of the week.
Help me clean house!
You are cracking me up! Giving away random useful things from your crammed shelves is probably the equivilant of a chinese water torture for your wife. Don’t send them to me, I get overwhelmed with stuff far too easily!
But if you need help, I’m here for you! There is more than one reason my company is named Tornado Marketing. Just the other day I just posted a video about Taming the Tornado, (i.e. Getting Organized!)
Hope this helps. Oh, and if you need to purge faster, there’s this little site called eBay that might help too. 🙂
Adrianne Machina
Thanks Adrianne – don’t care much for the eBay route. It’s more fun this way – did you hear about the red paper clip guy?
I haven’t researched to know if this guy is for real, but pretty amazing, huh?
BTW – I’m not looking to buy a house or anything, but I do trade up! Ante up, anyone?